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Culpeper UMC Streaming
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Dear CUMC Family and Friends

As we enter November, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible outpouring of love and appreciation you showed during Pastor Appreciation Month. Your kind words, messages, cards, and thoughtful gifts have been an immense blessing to me. Thank you for being such a caring and supportive congregation; it is truly an honor to serve alongside you.


November is Stewardship Month, a time when we focus on how God calls each of us to be stewards of the resources He has entrusted to our care. While many of us may first think of financial giving, Christian stewardship goes far beyond our material possessions. It includes all aspects of our lives—our time, our talents, and our unique gifts. God has blessed each of us with resources, whether tangible or intangible, and we are invited to use them not only for our own benefit but also to further His Kingdom.


When we recognize that every gift—our abilities, our time, and even our daily opportunities— comes from God, we start to see our lives as full of potential to make a meaningful impact for others. Stewardship is, therefore, a call to action. It’s about taking what we have and putting it to work for the good of others and for God’s Kingdom. When we use what God has given us to bless others, we reflect His character and love. In turn, we ourselves are blessed as we witness the transformative power of God at work.


Thank you again for your kindness, your commitment, and your willingness to serve. I look forward to seeing all the ways God will continue to work through our congregation in this season and beyond.

In Christ,


Pastor Won

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